
Tom Delay is a real big poophead

If you are not a political junkie, you are probably unaware of the some of the absolutely horrific things Congressmen do. They are able to do them because, for the most part, you are not paying attention. They assume that not paying attention means not caring. I pray to God that is not true. ThatÂ’s part of the reason I do this blog; to try to expose some of my friends and family to some of the more extreme examples of this crap (the other reasons are to vent so my head doesnÂ’t explode, and just to hear myself talk/type, since I have been accused of talking/typing just to hear/read myself talk/typing). There are a ton of blogs for political junkies, dailkos, americablog, talkingpointsmemo, etc, but most people donÂ’t have time, patience, or interest, to delve into political issues. And I totally understand. IÂ’d love to change the world, but I can barely manage my own life, so I do what I can do. Which is this, pretty much. Okay Jerry, why are you rambling on and on?
Because of what Tom Delay has done in regards to Saipan. He calls himself moral, yet supports sweatshops on U.S. territories which pressure workers into abortions and forces others into prostitution.
All I ask is you keep this story in mind when you see people defend Delay. They think you donÂ’t care about this sort. God help us if you donÂ’t.

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