
James Sensenbrenner Is A Douche

Earlier this year, Congress passed a bankruptcy bill, written by the credit card companies, which made it much tougher for middle class families to file for bankruptcy, even if their finaiancial troubles are caused by illness or natural disater. The bill was an affront to the decency of this country, and Democrats were derelict in their duty tin opposing it. It was a classic case of Big Business vs. The Common Man, and Congress decided to side with Big Business. Anyways, that whole debate is a separate story. The bottom line is the bill has become law.

But now we have to deal with the aftermath of Katrina. Thousand of lower and middle class families have lost everything. They have gone through hell, and now face an uphill battle. So a couple of Democratic Congressmen are trying to introduce a bill which would exempt victims of Katrina from the provisions of the new bill, making it easier for them to get their lives back on track.

Sensible, eh? Not to dickhead Republican Rep. James Sensenbrenner, chairman of the House Judiciary committee, who will not allow a hearing on the bill, effectively killing it. He says the poor are not subject to the new bankruptcy bill provisions, but he doesn’t mention the middle class families who have been affected. He’s worth $9 million dollars, none of which he actually worked for, so you can see how this fucking prick could disregard the financial catastrophe that is going to hit thousands of middle class families.

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