

Senate to Drop End-of-Life Provision?: "Sarah Palin may have pulled her 'death panel' charge out of thin air, but she seems to have won the day anyhow: The Wall Street Journal reports that the Senate Finance Committee, which is crafting the only bipartisan health-care overhaul bill in..."

Are you fucking kidding me?

Have any of these people ever had a parent or grandparent mortally ill? When my father was sick and then end was near, I'd have given anything for some counseling, some advice, some help, ANYTHING that could help me figure out what to do and what the fuck was going on. Instead, all I got from the hospital was, "nothing more we can do, he's yours now, and good luck finding a nursing home that will take him in that condition." It was the worst time in my life. The health care bill actually addresses this blind spot in the system, yet these spineless Senate fucks are going to drop it some because clueless nitwit like Sarah Palin tries to scare people with misleading terms like "death panels"? You chickenshits. You're letting Sarah Fucking Palin drive the conversation? You should all be ashamed.

And yes, I'm a little pissed.

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