
herman cain is pro-....something


MORGAN: Abortion. What's your view of abortion?
CAIN: I believe that life begins at conception. And abortion under no circumstances. And here's why --
MORGAN: No circumstances?
CAIN: No circumstances.
Er, I mean pro-choice:

MORGAN: But you’ve had children, grandchildren. If one of your female children, grand children was raped, you would honestly want her to bring up that baby as her own?

CAIN: You’re mixing two things here, Piers?


CAIN: You’re mixing –

MORGAN: That’s what it comes down to.

CAIN: No, it comes down to it’s not the government’s role or anybody else’s role to make that decision. Secondly, if you look at the statistical incidents, you’re not talking about that big a number. So what I’m saying is it ultimately gets down to a choice that that family or that mother has to make.

Not me as president, not some politician, not a bureaucrat. It gets down to that family. And whatever they decide, they decide. I shouldn’t have to tell them what decision to make for such a sensitive issue.


  1. Anonymous12:08

    lately all gop is like "small government, small government. cut down on corporate regulations, less taxes, fewer federally funded programs. then on abortion and drug policy, government must stop choice. these people are so blinded by their religion...... fuck it, it's easier just to say their stupid.

  2. Great post. This Cain guy is turning out to be an interesting fellow.
