I’m at Liberty Station, parked, while Finley sleeps before we hot the playground. There is some sort of cancer walk going on. I think. I see Relay for Life signs everywhere. But I also see a lot of flags and there’s a generally Tea Party vibe. The playlist on the PA while I’ve been here:
Party in the USA
They’re Coming to America
Good Bless the USA
Some country song with “American Girl” in the chorus
Some Creed-ish song with “American” in the chorus
ROCK in the USA
Good Bless America
Another country song, something about American honey”
Another country song, ugh, “born in the USA, trucks stops, etc”
Born in the USA (oh the irony)
American Bandstand
Surfin’ USA
They are also selling bacon dogs, which seems like an odd choice for a cancer walk.
I’m not really sure what’s going on. Is this like an “only cure American Cancer” type thing?