
Lowbrow - Sex Death Violence (2001 Crook'd Records)

 Sex, Violence, Death album cover

Look, I like death metal, but an entire album of post-1991 death metal is a bit of a chore for me. There's not a whole lot left to mine out of the genre (cue the "yer stupid check out band x, y, and z" comments, which I welcome). So I was happy to see mostly sub 4:00 track times on this. But I was pleasantly surprised, which I shouldn't have been since Lowbrow hailed from Florida, the death metal capital or the world, and featured Allen West of Six Feet Under.  Nothing groundbreaking, but solid. 

  1. March
  2. Destroy Yourself
  3. Sex, Violence, Death
  4. Addiction
  5. Trophy
  6. Enforcer
  7. The Hatred You Create
  8. Free Ride
  9. Maniac
  10. Rights

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