

During this whole Limbaugh/Steele/Obama soap opera, why isn't anyone pointing out that Rush Limbaugh doesn't believe what he says. He's found a niche, and he has successfully hammered away at it for decades now. It would be hilarious, but for the fact that millions actually do believe what he says.

Do I have proof that Rush is acting? Notwithstanding the Oxycontin habit and the serial marriages, no, I don't. It just seems pretty blatant to me. He's obviously very good at what he does, but it is an act. I'm not sure what his actual views are (my guess is a more moderate version of what he's spouting, with some liberal social views thrown in), but it doesn't really matter. The monster he created has made him unimaginably rich, so why would he do anything that would threaten it.

He's an actor; a radio version of a professional wrestler; a clown. Why isn't it obvious to all?

Here's my conservative opportunist/genuine list:

  • Glenn Beck - Opportunist, but a vapid one, who lacks the talent of the Limbaughs and Coulters.
  • Ann Coulter - Opportunist. Wouldn't surprise me at all if she were a closet Democrat. 
  • Sean Hannity - Genuine. Which is frightening.
  • Bill O'Reilly - Genuine. There's no faking that.
  • Michael Savage - Opportunist. The guy donated to the Jerry Brown campaign for chrissakes.

Those who are faking it, by the way, are a hundred times worse than the genuine whackjobs.

Whoa. As I was about to publish, Google Reader fed me this, from Atrios:
Having watched Cramer over the last several days, I'm pretty sure he doesn't actually believe this crap. Whether that makes him a better or worse person I don't know.
The simple answer to a simple (non) question is worse. It makes him worse, Mr. Black.  Much worse.

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