Really weird one here. Can't find much about these guys. The release date is a total guess, based on another release they have on the same label. I know they were a NYC band, consisted of Steve Kresic, Tosh Murase, Eric Carlsen, and Ralph Ortiz, and......that's it. But it's got me very curious, so I just ordered the CD. I'll post that at some point.
Not sure how to describe this. It's punk, but with some definite 90's alternative vocals.
Some rough patches on this as well. As long as I live, I'll never understand why there is a cassette revival. Worst possible format.
- Coward Man
- Undercover
- Walking Thru The Park
Hey, any chance you'll upload that Grappling Buskers CD? I found a really beat up cassette dub, but I'd love to have the digital files. Thanks!