
Dear Rush: Fuck You

I don't blog politically as much as I used to because, I mean, what more can I say? If you don't get how devoid of all morality the Republican party is by now, well there's not a lot I can do to convince you . Now, the Democrats aren't as pure as snow, but next to the majority of Right Wingers in power, they look like a bunch of Mother Theresas. But before I completely give up, I must point out the reprehensible behavior of one of the heroes of the Conservative movement: Rush Limbaugh.

Okay, let's set this up. One of the issues on the table on election day in Missouri is whether or not the state will fund research on embryonic stem cell research. One side (usually Democrats) feels that embryonic stem cells hold a lot of promise for curing diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. The other side (usually Republicans with some key exceptions like Nancy Reagan [hmm, wonder why?]) feel that using the couple of hundred frozen cells which fertility clinics will eventually throw away for embryonic stem cell research is the same thing as abortion (It's embryonic stem cell research, not fetal stem cell research, so please know the difference and don't let the Right confuse you, and oh, they will try and confuse you). Democratic Senate candidate Claire McCaskill supports funding, Republican incumbent Jim Talent opposes it.

Michael J. Fox, who has Parkinson's disease, shot an ad for McCaskill. Here is the ad, in which Fox's symtoms are in full effect.

Here is Rush Limbaugh commenting on the ad.

I shouldn't have to add anything. But I will.

Rush, you fat fucking slob piece of shit, there are millions of us who have had family members who have succumbed to Parkinson's. First of all, asshole, do a little research. Parkinson's is a disease which causes people to stiffen up, hence the fixed stare and shuffled gait of it's victims. It's the medicine which causes the jerky movement. I watched Parkinson's and Parkinson's related dementia turn my father, a humble Air Force veteran who loved to golf into a shell of his former self who no longer recognized his family. Was he faking it Rush? Did he fake his death, you callous son-of-a-bitch? Anyone, and I mean ANYONE, who tries to defend Rush on this is dead to me. That includes family. That includes friends. On certain issues, lines in the sand are drawn, and this is one of them.

Okay, as I calm down, watch this commercial.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know anyone personally who has suffered from Parkinson's and I was upset so I can't even imagine how you must feel.
