
podcast recommendations and requests

Kind of late to the podcast game, so I thought I'd recommend the podcasts I subscribe to, and ask for recommendations for any podcasts that you like and think I should be listening to.

Oh, don't include music ones. I'm already up to my ears in old MRR and Strange Reaction podcasts. 

My subscriptions/recommendations:

Subscriptions I'd like to get, but aren't, as far as I can tell, offered in the Zune Marketplace:

Podcasts I tried and did not care for:


  1. i've actually been thinking about expanding my own list lately, so this post has some awesome timing.

    i know you said no music, but fuck that.

    punknews puts out a weekly one, and some friends of mine actually run it. the format is different than most other music podcasts, and why i like it. they don't just play song after song after song, they talk about the news in the punk music world in a sort of round table format. (go easy on them, tho, they paint with the BROAD brush when defining punk rock, especially compared to the MRR folks) that week. it's usually damn funny. it usually comes out on Wednesdays or Thursdays. The new one for this week just got posted. www.punknews.org

    the other music one i'll recommend is razorcake's. i haven't listened but they have about 150 posted, and i can't say anything they've ever recommended in print have i disliked. keep meaning to check it out.

    and the non-music one i've been listening to lately is Dan Savage's Savage Lovecast. people call in, leave messages, andhe either calls them back, or offers one way advice. it's pretty entertaining, and he's got the most solid, grounded relationship and sex advice i've ever heard or read.


    love love love This American Life. If you're interested, i have 9 Gbs of archives, i think episodes 1-375 or something. happy to share. just gotta cut them up into sharable chunks.

  2. oh, forgot another i've never heard the podcast from, but love their show on NPR and have been meaning to check out:


    "StoryCorps is an independent nonprofit whose mission is to provide Americans of all backgrounds and beliefs with the opportunity to record, share, and preserve the stories of our lives. Since 2003, StoryCorps has collected and archived more than 30,000 interviews from more than 60,000 participants. Each conversation is recorded on a free CD to share, and is preserved at the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress. StoryCorps is one of the largest oral history projects of its kind, and millions listen to our weekly broadcasts on NPR’s Morning Edition and on our Listen pages."


    if you like This American Life, you'll likely dig Story Corps.

  3. I'm assuming since you grew up in California, you spent your budding pubescence in bed at night listening to Loveline with Adam Carolla and Dr. Drew.

    So if 1000's of hours of Loveline didn't endear the Ace man to your heart like it did mine, you won't want to check out:


    Also, Doug Benson's I Love Movies is probably the most consistently funny podcast in my rotation. I don't really care for the guy's stand-up, but as a smartass panel host for a taped-live-in-front-of-audience podcast, he works it.

    New episodes can be found here: http://douglovesmovies.com/

    Older ones are here: http://ilovemovies.blip.tv/

    Finally, Grant Lawrence (singer of The Smugglers) has been entertaining the Canuckian masses for years in my former home country at CBC Radio 3... Personal stories, interviews, and a couple songs thrown in the mix make for an entertaining radio show, which you can download in podcast form here:

    Okay, that should keep you busy. Oh yeah, my name is Matt. I check your blog once or twice a month and have posted a couple anonymous comments in the past and will continue to do so in the future. So there.

  4. imagine if Bob and Doug McKenzie were punk kids, into community building and anarchism instead of hosers and beer.


    good times.

    also, i checked out the wtf podcast, that was good stuff. will revisit for sure.

  5. I'm a regular listener of the Zune Insider podcast. Not much "inside" news on the Zine, since its done by Microsoft employees...but is somewhat entertaining, and it keep me updated on the status of my favorite MP3 player. :)

  6. Punknews' scope is much to broad for me, but I do like Razorcake, so maybe I'll check it out. I do like Dan Savage, I just overlooked that completely.

    ** Never did the Loveline think. Don't like Adam Corolla. Don't like Benson's stand up either, but his WTF interview was pretty good, so I may check that out.

    **** I heard about the Propagandhi podcast. Sometime's their world is so balck and white and I find it completely obnoxious. Convince me the podcast has nuance, and I may check it out.

    ***** I too am a Zune lover. I think over the past 2 years Microsoft has done amazing things with software, hardware, and on the web, but they are still stereotyped as a staid behemoth, and they do not get the accolades that Apple does.

  7. the punknews podcast isn't so much about the music as it is about the people who make the music they cover. the podcast format is primarily a round table discussion with a couple of their editors, one or two of whom i've met in person, or emailed a lot with. i definitely feel like more of an insider than just somoene who stumbled across their website or something.

    the round table discussions are usually pretty funny when they get off topic, or stop talking about punk and start talking about Gene Simmons or something.

    mostly they sort of recap the news, and respond to things that get posted news wise. they usually play one or two new songs, or song recommendations, so it's an easy way to expand the musical horizons without too much all at once. most of the stuff i'm not into musically, but there have been one or two that i liked.

    the propagandhi one--i only listened to the new "propagandhi" one, not the old G7 ones--is alright. it's short, only about 30 minutes. in the first one, they played a couple of songs--not all hardcore or punk songs either, which was kinda nice--and just sort of bantered.
    it was definitely more like bob and doug mckenzie than preachy leftist anarchist podcast material.
