
Because Osama said so

Why does my left wing, anti-Bush ass seem to be in the minority in thinking that 9/11 should now be a day when partisan rhetoric goes away for 24 hours? No party "owns" 9/11. It should be a somber day of reflection and rememberance. Instead we get idiots using it to forward their own agendas.

First we have right wing bloggers like Michelle Malkin. Malkin reminds us to "Never Forget" 9/11 and links to video of people jumping out of windows. Classy. Does she really think we've forgotten? Does she really think people are saying, "Hmmm...September 11th....September 11th, hmmm, rings a bell....I know something happened that day, but I can't quite put my finger on it...hmmm, let me check in with Michelle Malkin....(typing)....OH YEAH, NOW I REMEMBER!"

Who knows? Maybe she's addressing America's six-year olds, who may have forgot. But in their defense, they were one. (I will let the Alzheimer's joke pass)

And although I usually hate weepy TV specials, I think on 9/11 I could tolerate a feel-good special, maybe focusing on on a person, family, or even the city of New York itself, and how it or they or he or she has coped and moved on since 9/11. Even though I normally cringe at this sort of thing, I could probably even handle a teary Barbara Walters special or two. But instead ABC gives us "Path To 9/11", a mini-series which tries to shift the burden of blame for 9/11 on Clinton by focusing on failure. Yeah, that's the way to treat 9/11. On 9/11, I'm sure everyone wants to be reminded how badly we fucked up.

Look we have 364 days to participate in that kind of bullshit, and we do, so leave September 11th to everyone, k?

But the most egregious example of using 9/11 came from none other than the President. Instead of using the fifth anniversery of the attacks to console us, inspire us, remind us of how far we've come, and finally for once be the fucking "uniter" he promised to be eons ago, he uses the occasion to make a speech defending the Iraq war.

W. T. F.?

There is far too much to say about the debacle that is Iraq War, so for now let's just say you'd have to be a retarded ostrich to think it was a necessary step in the "War On Terrorism" or, for that matter, a good idea for any reason you want to make up. What I want to focus on is Bush's rational for its continuence. Last night he said:

Osama bin Laden calls this fight "the Third World War" -- and he says that victory for the terrorists in Iraq will mean America's "defeat and disgrace forever." If we yield Iraq to men like bin Laden, our enemies will be emboldened; they will gain a new safe haven; they will use Iraq's resources to fuel their extremist movement. We will not allow this to happen. America will stay in the fight. Iraq will be a free nation, and a strong ally in the war on terror.

Read that again. I'll wait. Done? Good. Let's discuss.

Bush actually quotes Osama Bin Laden and uses his words to justify why we need to stay and fight. Do you get the significance of that? Bin Laden, as usual, is dictating the terms of our actions. And the left is accused of appeasing terrorists? Bush consistently does exactly what Bin Laden wants him to do. Set a trap, and assuredly Bush will fall right into it, now to the point of quoting him. I swear to god, given his insticts, Bush should just pull a Costanza and do the opposite.

Once again, I cannot stress enough how important James Fallows' piece in The Atlantic is. If you are at all interested in this stuff, you MUST read it (I wish it were available online for free, but a google check shows it's not). It gets to the heart of what Bush needs to do, but never will.

Anyways, it's now September 12th, so I feel fully justified in attacking these motherfuckers for trying to own 9/11 as their own. So fucking fuck the motherfuckers.

1 comment:

  1. I heard his speech and it made me sick that he was using this day as a platform for his agenda. Tasteless..
