
I Love Lynne Lofton

Dick Cheney finally had enough of vacationing in Wyoming and buying real estate to go down to Mississippi to survey the damage. Not everyone was impressed.
Most the people Cheney met with were friendly. Lynne Lofton, whose house further down the street was completely destroyed, was an exception.
“I think this media opportunity today is a terrible waste of time and taxpayer money,” she said. “They’ve picked a nice neighborhood where people have insurance and most are Republicans.”
This was after, while doing a television interview, some dude yelled "Go fuck yourself!" Twice (video at Crooks and Liars). Ouch. When asked if he'd heard that much, Cheney responded, "first time I've heard it."

So, wait. you mean I dreamed he said the same thing to Patrick Leahy in 2004? Oh. Guess not.

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