
The Termite Prophecy

I get so many magazines that I usually fall behind and end up reading them weeks after I receive them. So I am just now getting to a Harper’s from two months ago. One of the articles is an eerie, yet interesting one on termite infestation in New Orleans. In the course of researching the infestation, Duncan Murrell gives a vivid description of the geography and history of New Orleans, the timing of which seems almost prophetic. Now it looks almost like a eulogy for the city, although that was not it’s intent. In describing attempts to deal with termites, he uses the following chilling paragraph:
In this case, the use of organochlorines against termites – native and foreign alike – was something like channeling the course of a river. The water never ceased, it had to go somewhere, and when the dikes, seawalls, levees, and locks finally failed, the effect of releasing the water’s long contained energy was catastrophic.

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