
Problem Ain't The System's Broke, It's Working All Too Well

Just in case you forgot how our democracy works:

A. Joe Allbaugh used to head FEMA. When he stepped aside, he recommended his old college roommate, Mike Brown, who he appointed as Assistant FEMA director, although Brown had no emergency experience.

B. Joe Allbaugh becomes a lobbyist for private contractors, including Halliburton. He obviously has a friend Brown and the Bush Administration.

C. Katrina hits, devastating the Gulf Coast, much of which will need to be rebuilt. .

D. Firms that Allbaugh lobbies for, including Hallibuton and KBR, get blind no-bid contracts almost immediately. Ka-Ching!

E. Bush signs an Executive order allowing those contractors to pay less than the prevailing wage for workers rebuilding the gulf coast. Ka-Ching!

Just another day in America.

Edit: hmm, apparantly Allbaugh and Brown weren't college roommates, just friends.

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