
palin / marcieux 2012!

Seriously, I cannot sleep at night knowing that there are gold fringes desecrating flags across the country. Don't get me started on traffic stops.

Also, gotta check his website. It appears that Basil is the one who wrote the Dr. Bronner's label.

Here's a couple of choice morsels to whet your appetite:
Make sure that if national insurance is put in place, I will make sure the roots of such bill with not inclued any type measuring of the waist like other counties.
My friends a beer stores say they must check 200 D/L a day that 400 minutes a day per clerk which is over 6 hours at $ 7.00 a hour that $ 42.00, with it mandatory then we must pay them.
Education ,let us put phonics back in school if you can not read you can not do History, Math, English. And that where we are now.
Education: 13 3/4 years
a. School violents
See why dental is not in most plans a tooth aches hurt more than a back aches and no teeths depresses people
Preach on, brother!

UPDATE: Oh noes! There's a Basil, Jr! He also hates traffic stops. And the English language.


  1. we laugh at stuff like this, but sometimes i wonder if putting someone like this in office wouldn't introduce a clusterfuck of weridness that might just solve some problems.

    thinking outside of the box not because it's the cool, smart thing to do, but because the ideas are so batshit out of left field as to be new and refreshing.

  2. Anonymous17:10

    man, the first time i watched this, i didn't realize he was from tennessee. i didn't notice the center of our flag in the lower caption. just watched colbert rip him a new one on colbertnation.com, which was hilarious. but, i wish i didn't live in a section of the county that is so culturally devoid and uneducated. a part of the country that can actually produce someone like marcieux.

  3. Josh, I kind of agree. I don't know that any problems would be solved, but it would be fun. Plus, while he is pretty obviously loony, he still strikes me as having more integrity than your average politician.

    David, I grew up in a part of California that was probably not all that different from TN. There's got to be an oasis of sanity nearby you can escape to, right? The blue part of a red state?
